Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Roomate Survery

Hey Everyone!!

I know I haven't really been posting much. I work a ton and can't seem to thing of what to talk about.

Well I got my roommate survey done and I have picked my roommate out for the fall. My roommates name is Kirstin, and this is her second program. So I'm asking her a lot of questions about Disney so if you have any that you need answered ask me and I'll ask her. I'm trying to convince her to start a blog cause I don't think she has one.

Other news on me:
1. Well as you all know I'm currently single. But I like a guy, but I have no idea if he likes me.
My cousin Sarah keeps telling me to ask him out. But I keep saying no.
2. I have lost 10 pounds since I posted last yay me
3. I'm starting to shop for stuff to wear and bring on Disney. Trying to get done with the Disney Look now and getting used to wearing more professional clothes.
4. I'm a list maker. So I have a shopping list. that will be in the next blog which will be later today.

Hopefully I can start vlogging again soon, currently my laptop is in texas getting repaired so I don't have any other camera to make my vlog on so everyone bare with me I will try to update this more and more as we get closer to going to florida.

Have a Magical day everyone!!
I will try to update more tomorrow.


  1. Congrats on the 10lbs! I'm trying to work my way down a size or two.

    I'm a list maker as well, so I can't wait for your list post!

  2. I have a blog! I started it in December, so there's nothing from my last program on it.

  3. Jazmine the list post is up.
