Monday, March 29, 2010

Spring Break

Spring Break is finally here and I deserve it. I'm working a lot this week, so I can have more spending money. Hopefully soon I can get my Xbox360. I'm going to try to talk my mom into getting it this week for Easter. Well I have finally finished book one of my series that I'm writing and editing myself. It's off to my publisher this week to see what she think thinks this time. This is the second edit hopefully this will be the last I have included a lot of stuff in my book now and I'm working on the sequels. Which the second one is halfway written and the third one has about ten chapters of it done. I'm waiting to hear back from Disney, if I get it I will be happy, If I don't I will still be happy and I really want to have fun and learn, hopefully I can make a name for myself.

Well it's time for work I will try to make a better entry tonight after work and after the doctors tonight.


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